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Posts tagged as “value”

New Car or Used Car? Hmmm…


So, you need a car.  Do you buy that brand new car or a used one?  You may ask yourself, what’s the difference, besides the obvious new versus used?  Well,…

Value Investing: I’d Buy That For A Dollar!!!


Made popular by the 1987 movie, Robocop, “I’d buy that for a dollar” became a pretty popular saying.  Though in the movie, the character who often said it was surrounded…

Time: What’s the value…


Time is the one thing we all have and we don’t have.  How many times have you heard someone say, “I didn’t have time” or “I lost track of time.” …

We Both Knew!!!


In the interest of anonymity, I will speak very generally today.  My intention here is not to put anyone down nor point out their mistakes.  Rather, I want to point…

Become A Man of Value!!!


“Try, not to become a man of success, but rather, try to become a man of values.” — Albert Einstein I suspect everyone wants to be successful.  People want to…