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Posts tagged as “money”

Starting A Business Online


So you want to make lots of money, but don’t know how?  One sure way is to start your own online business.  The thing most people don’t know is that…

The 7 Golden Rules of Money


I came across this YouTube video from Betterment Boss, titled The 7 Golden Rules of Money | How To Be Good With Money.  Seems like a worthy topic.  A “Golden…

There’s a difference???


Last Money Monday, we talked about Money Market Accounts and how they are a safe place to park your money but offer a very limited return.  Often confused with Money…

A Very Special Bank Account


I came across this very special bank account when doing some research on the Internet.  It’s probably the one bank account that you need to use to it’s fullest if…

Money Can’t Buy Happiness


Here’s a conversation I can pretty much guarantee we’ve all experienced.  You say, “Man, if I had a million dollars things would be so much better.”  Then your friend or…

The Seven Social Sins: Wealth Without Work


Mahatma Gandhi identified Seven Social Sins that weaken our character and destroy the person we are meant to be.  When it comes to money, the sin that comes to mind…

For What We Gave, Not What We Had


If this was an episode of Jeopardy, the question for this topic would be, “What we want to be remembered for?”  I’ve said it time and time again that happiness…

My Top Three Recommended Books On Money


I would like to take this week and use each 5and2Guy day as a day to recommend some great books on each category of life improvement.  Today I will share…

Do What Average People Don’t Do


I was reading a book by Beau Norton titled 4 Simple Steps to Massive Success, when I came across this quote, “If you do the things average people don’t do,…

Tony Robbins’ Levels of Financial Freedom


In Tony Robbins’ book, Money: Master the Game, he spoke of five levels of financial freedom that anyone can reach.  The goal is to identify what level you want to…