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Posts tagged as “happiness”

There’s Only Three Goals of Happiness


A couple years ago, I read a book by Neil Pasricha titled The Happiness Equation, which I rated a 4 out of 5 along my own personal scale.  In his…

Beautiful Moments Can Be Camouflaged


Have you ever had one of those situations where you had to do something that you really didn’t want to do, but it turned out to be a pretty amazing…

That’s Just My Luck


“I just want to be happy.”  Have you ever said that to yourself?  I have and believe that many people have as well.  It’s often said when we feel like…

Will the Little Things Be Your Downfall?


The Battle of the Beetles On the slope of Long’s Peak in Colorado lies the ruin of a gigantic tree. Naturalists tell us that it stood for some four hundred…

Where’s Your Trouble Tree?


We all wear different hats.  Two key hats we all tend to wear are work and family.  Sometimes we’re in work mode, where we have to be the lead and…

Tranquility: A Stoic Approach


What is tranquility?  It’s funny.  When I hear the word, I think, DayQuil or NyQuil…something that can make me feel better when I’m not feeling so well.   So I…

The Great Adventure


I was listening to Jim Rohn the other day.  He was sharing a great Bible story about Job (pronounced JOHB).  I have never read the Bible, though I am reading…

When Is Enough…Enough?


Kurt Vonnegut and Joe Heller were once on Shelter Island at a party being thrown by a billionaire.  Kurt says to Joe, “Joe, how does it make you feel to…

My Top Three Recommended Books On Relationships


When it comes to relationships, I think there is always room for improvement.  Sure, we may have a great relationship with our significant other, our family, and friends, but we…

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!


Happy Valentine’s Day to all the 5and2 guys and gals out there!!!  A very heartfelt Happy Valentine’s Day from the 5and2Guy.  Any special plans for that special person in your…