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Posts tagged as “discipline”

Fitness Add-Ons


When it comes to fitness, we try to think of the big things we can do to make the biggest change in the fastest way.  We learn of a new…

Spare The Rod, Spoil The Child


When I was growing up, and even some times today, I hear someone say, “Spare the rod, spoil the child.”   It’s used to explain or rationalize disciplining a child,…

Here’s What You Really Need


When it comes to being successful, you’ll hear all kinds of answers about what you need.  You’ll be told you have to have connections, money to get started, opportunities, etc….…

90 Seconds That Can Change Your Life


Unless you are one of those fitness people who are completely shredded and have like no body fat, you should pay attention.  What if I told you that you could…

Health: A Few Simple Disciplines


In last Friday’s post, we discussed the need to Make the Decision!!!  The decision to get healthy, that is.  No need sitting on the fence and saying someday you will…

Every Little Bit Helps!!!


Yeah, I know.  We have heard it all before.  We typically hear “every little bit helps” when we are talking about donating money, but rarely do we apply it to…

Oh No!! Five Days Without My Disciplines!!!


I just got back from a five day vacation in Jamaica.  When I go on vacation, I typically leave the disciplined, hard working, 5and2Guy at home.  I always try to…