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Posts published in “Happiness”

There’s Only Three Goals of Happiness


A couple years ago, I read a book by Neil Pasricha titled The Happiness Equation, which I rated a 4 out of 5 along my own personal scale.  In his…

Who do you think of first?


I’ve heard it a hundred times from different people…”You gotta look out for number one.”  Sure, you have to take care of yourself.  No one would argue that.  Even on…

You Have Everything You Need


“If I get this new job, I’ll be much happier.” “If she says I do, my life will be better.” “If I had more money, life would be great.” What…

The Two Wolves


A Native American grandfather was talking to his grandson about how he felt.  He said, “I feel as if I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is…

Are you a carrot, egg, or coffee bean?


Yesterday, I shared a post with you about obstacles and opportunities.  I shared with you how every obstacle can be seen as an opportunity for success if you just change…

Everyone is Important


You may be thinking, “Well, yeah.  Everyone is important.”  That is a pretty generic thing to say.  But what does it have to do with being happy?  And why do…

Happiness is a Habit: 15 Habits for Happiness


Our habits have such a huge impact on our lives.  They’re really not given the credit they deserve.  And when it comes to your happiness and your mindset, your habits…

Do you know this unknown benefit of happiness?


Happiness comes with many benefits.  You’ll feel better about yourself, you’ll be more confident, and you’ll generally have better health.  But there is really another benefit that people rarely know…

Who Possesses Who???


We live in a society that pushes us to believe that we can be happy if we have great things.  That new car will give you confidence.  The expensive clothes…

Why Even Try???


So, today’s the day.  You’ve committed yourself to the pursuit of happiness.  You’re gonna turn your life around and do your best to just be happy and make it a…