I’ve heard of the “Seven Social Sins” by name but never looked into them or researched them. While doing some research the other day, I stumbled across them and figured I would share one with you. The Seven Social Sins were shared with us by Mahatma Gandhi explaining that these are the seven things that will destroy us and our character. They are all centered around either social or political experiences and based on natural principles. For this Relational Tuesday, let’s talk about one…
Pleasure Without Conscience
This covers when all a person thinks about is themself. It reminds me of the scene from The Matrix Reloaded where Agent Smith is overwriting another person’s code with his own. While he is changing the person, he says, “Me, me, me.” What makes it even more pertinent is that when the person finally turns into him, he responds, “Me too.” Agent Smith was only concerned with taking over everything, wishing to destroy Neo, and being the center of it all. A person who commits this sin daily wants to be the center of it all too.
A Decay In Character
When a person thinks only of themselves and their own pleasures without any sense of responsibility to others, a decay in character occurs. People who feel this way want to do their “thang” and aren’t concerned with the people they hurt in the process. A few examples of this include the dad who wants to go to happy hour after work and stumble home when he feels like it. Or maybe the mom who wants to hit the club instead of caring for her children. And yes, these roles can be reversed as well. Maybe mom likes the drink and dad likes the club. Either way, the center of the attention is on themselves without much concern for others. This could even be one of your friends who only ever wants to do what they want to do with no regard for your wants or needs.
How It Affects Others
Besides a decay in their own character, their friends and loved ones are affected too. Hearts are broken, tears are shed, and relationships are ruined by people who care more for themselves than they do others. In the movie Liar Liar, Jim Carey plays an ego-centric lawyer who’s focused solely on his career and progressing it, rather then spending the time with his family. It cost him his marriage and begins to cost him his relationship with his son. His son made a birthday wish that, for just one day, his dad (Jim Carey) couldn’t lie.
It’s a pretty funny movie having a lawyer who can’t lie, but the moral of the story is shared when Jim Carey asks his son to un-wish the wish, because he needs to lie. He explains that everyone lies, even the best of people. The son sadly responds by saying that his dad’s lies are the ones that really hurt.
The Takeaway
In short, living a life where you’re only concerned with your own pleasure is a small way to live. Sure we all need our own fun, but never at the expense of others. This needs to be turned around. We need to care for others just as much, if not more, than we care for ourselves. If we can do for others, we should, especially when it’s easy to do. It’s amazing how the smallest and easiest of things can make a big difference. We just have to be selfless and watch how our relationships flourish. Selflessness not selfishness is the goal!!!