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Need A Raise???

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Who couldn’t use more money?  Warren Buffet maybe, but believe me folks, he isn’t letting up and neither should you.  One of the best ways to make more money is to simply ask for more money.  Try to get a raise at your current job.  Yeah, I know.  “My boss will never give me a raise.”  But like Jim Rohn said, you need to make it embarrassing for your boss to not pay you based on your worth.

With that in mind, here are three ways to put yourself in the best position to ask for a raise.  Try these out for a while and then go have that conversation with your boss.

1.  Communicate/Talk

You have to be able to communicate effectively.  When you speak, speak with confidence.  One of the best ways to do this is to listen effectively.  Listen to what people are saying and then speak to those points.  It will make your conversations better and make you more valuable.

2.  Be An Inspiration

Motivational speakers make tons of money, so how valuable do you think you’d be to your boss if you could motivate all your co-workers to do their best and kick butt?  Be that positive person looking to do the right thing and bust your butt working.  You will inspire others to do the same and the boss will see this.

3.  Be Creative

Always be looking for better ways of doing things.  Look for solutions that will save either time or money and take them to the boss.  Make sure you think them out and communicate your idea effectively.  There’s nothing worse that coming up with an idea, presenting it, and clearly show you didn’t do your homework.  Be creative, do the research, and suggest some positive changes.  Focus on some changes that can help change the bottom line.

The Takeaway

There are many ways to get a raise, but a million more how not to get a raise.  If you want that raise, you have to work for it.  You have to give the boss something he/she is not getting from others.  Be that great communicator, that creative person, that inspiration to others.  Be a leader in the office and watch your name be on everyone’s tongue.  The boss will hear your name and start paying you more attention.

It’s important to remember the timing of your request for a raise.  For example, I wouldn’t recommend asking for a raise during the height of the Coronavirus Pandemic.  Many people are thankful to still have their jobs, so maybe you don’t want to go asking for a raise when times are tough.  Be aware of the current state of things and and how your company is fairing financially.  It’s easier to get a raise when there is lots of money going around than when everyone is tightening their purse strings.

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