When it comes to touching the heart of someone you care about, you need to understand the person and how they feel and experience love. If you remember, back in October, I wrote a post titled, Do You Know How To Love? (https://5and2guy.com/2019/10/08/do-you-know-how-to-love/). This post was based on the book titled, The 5 Love Languages. If you read my post, or this book, then you are prepared to touch the heart of someone you love. In order to touch their heart, you have to get them a gift that shows them how much you love them, but in their love language.
Let’s look at the five love languages and the types of gifts we can give in each one…
Words of Affirmation
This is the love language where the person loves to hear positive words that build them up. In order to touch their heart, you want to purchase them a gift that has words on it that speak from the heart. You could get them a very heart felt card where you write down everything they mean to you. You can get them a picture or poster of you both with the words, “He/She is my life.” You could also buy them one of those nice glass objects with your words etched in. Perhaps even a Christmas tree ornament with the words of love and thankfulness on it.
The point here is to personalize it with words that build them up and tell them how special they are and how thankful you are for all they do.
People who feel love through receiving gifts are a little less choosy than others. They just like to know you were thinking of them and just about any gift will do, but I believe it still requires some thought. Most people speak more than one love language, a primary and a secondary. If Gifts is their primary love language, get them some gifts from their secondary language. Put some thought in them and you will hit a home run!!!
Acts of Service
People who speak this love language feel loved based upon the things you do for them, like washing dishes, vacuuming, or other chores. Gifts for this person could include things like taking over a chore they always do, for a month or a year. Let’s say he or she is the one who always washes the clothes. Give them the gift of 1-3 months of no clothes duty. Sound cheesy? Maybe, but it will touch their heart. If they are the one who is always vacuuming the floors, take that job on for them and tell them they never have to vaccuum a floor again unless they choose to. You could also donate money or your time to one of their favorite charities in their name. This is sure to make them feel honored and full of pride. Do something for them, or in their name, that can make their life easier or make them feel proud. This is a sure way to touch their hearts.
Quality Time
Quality time is one of the easiest gifts you can give. People who love quality time simply want you to spend time with them or the family. They want you to take time out of your day for them. Give them a made up coupon book of fun activities that you both can do together and allow them to cash them in whenever they want for that special time. It could be coupon for lunch or dinner. Maybe a coupon to take the day off and spend it doing whatever they like. Be creative with your coupons and be sure to honor them. The coupon is only as good as the person who stands behind it.
You could also give them a weekend away, with just you two or the whole family. Take them some place planned just for them. If it is just you and your significant other, go to an adult resort only. If the gift is for the whole family, then find a place designed around family fun. The main gift here is that you took the time, planned it, and make it special for that person in your life.
Physical Touch
For people who speak this love language, you have to, have to, focus on touch. Give them a card with a coupon inside that can be used for a very intimate one-on-one massage. Or better yet, put the one-on-one coupon in the card along with a coupon for a professional couple’s massage. Maybe go all out and get the massages, manicures, and pedicures. You guys may be thinking, “I don’t want a ‘mani pedi’.” That is what I thought too until I spent that quality time with my wife. Now I enjoy going as often as I can.
If you are not a very touchy/feely kind of person, you can do your best to be more touchy/feely during the holidays. Just making their holidays feel special with more hugs, kisses, taps on the butt can really make their days brighter and give them a sense of feeling loved throughout the holidays. Of course, I would recommend acting this way all year round!!!
When it comes to showing the person you love how much you love them, know that you can touch their hearts by getting them gifts that fit in to the way they like to be loved. If you don’t understand these love languages, read my post about them, or read the book. One of the best gifts you can give is that you understand them and can love them the way they want to be loved. This is truly working from the heart and targeting their heart. Not only will this make for a happier holiday season, but it will also make for happier lives and closer bonds.
If you want to read The 5 Love Languages book, pick it up via my affiliate link here: