The Power Hour has been known to be a lot of different things to a lot of people. One thing that we all can agree on is that it is an hour we set aside to do something that will jumpstart or strengthen something that is important to us. With that in mind, we can have a Power Hour with our spouse, partner, or child to strengthen our relationships. Why not take one hour a week, where you purposely spend one hour with one person? I am sure you spend time with everyone in your immediate household a lot of time, but most of that time it is not one on one, but as a group. I’m suggesting you take one hour a week and dedicate it to one person.
Life flies by. The weeks come and go. I know they can seem long, but when you look on all the ones behind you, they were actually short. With this in mind, you HAVE to take time. Pick one night a week where you and your spouse, partner, or child can spend one on one time together. Go somewhere where there are no other family members or distractions. It could be a room in your house or out to lunch, dinner, or an activity just for the two of you. Purposely schedule one hour on your calendar and commit to spending that time together each week. If there is a conflict, see if you can reschedule it for another time that week. Try not to miss!!!
What Should We Do?
You can do anything you want as long as it is beneficial to you both. For my Power Hour with my boys, we each read our own books for 20 minutes. Once we are done, we tell each other about what we read and what we thought of it. Once we are done reading, we spend the next 40 minutes doing anything they want. We may play card games, video games, watch a show, or play a board game. This is great time to spend together. An hour is just enough that most kids are willing to give up for this type of one on one time.
The Build Up
Don’t forget to build up the Power Hour. Tell them the night before that you are looking forward to the Power Hour. Tell them to have something fun in mind to do. Like I said, I like to read with my sons for 20 minutes and then play whatever they want. This teaches a good habit and rewards them with something fun after. When you see them through the day, say something like, “Power Hour at 7:30!!!” Be enthusiastic about it. You may find that the other person is not always as enthusiastic as you, especially if it is your child and they are getting older, but stay enthusiastic. It is contagious.
Final Thoughts
Purposely taking time for family is important. We tend to be so caught up in our lives that time flies by and our relationships are negatively affected. In order to build those strong relationships, you have to invest time in them…purposeful time that shows you care. Some one on one time that tells them how important they are too you. That you can take time from your schedule and spend it on them because you love them.
This small investment of one hour per week can do wonders for your relationships. Most of us put at least 40 hours a week into our jobs and no where near that amount of time in our relationships. So, we have to make an effort to spend time with the ones we love. Use the Power Hour to supercharge your relationships. It will be one of the best investments you make each week. Over time, the relationship will flourish and be stronger than ever.
Start Your Power Hour This Week!!!